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Press Release: Animal Protection Should be Institutionalised, argue Academics
2nd June 2022

Summer School 2019
Academics will debate how progressive attitudes to animals should be implemented and institutionalised at a major conference in Oxford.
Topics will include: animals in the political process, using the tax system to end factory farming, habeas corpus for animals, cetacean captivity, cultivating compassion in the classroom, companion animals and family breakdown, speciesism and racism, taking animals out of farming, and gaining legal protection for cephalopods.
The presentations will form part of the Annual Oxford Animal Ethics Summer School at Merton College, Oxford from 7-10 August, 2022.
The full programme is available here.
The Summer School is devoted to Animals and Public Policy and will be focussed on how we should implement, embody, and institutionalise progressive attitudes to animals.
“We intend to press the envelope and show how it really is possible to implement major structural changes for animals in society. We are putting animals on the legal and political agenda” said Director of the Summer School, Dr Clair Linzey.
“Our annual Summer School has become an international catalyst for outstanding intellectual work on animals.”
Over 140 academics will be attending. The programme comprises more than 60 presentations and two roundtable discussions.
“We know that this is the highlight event of the year for many animal scholars because they tell us so.”
The School is being sponsored by the Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy, The Kirkpatrick Foundation, Compassion in World Farming, and Susan and Dan Boggio.
The Summer School is filling up fast, but some places are still available. The booking form can be found on the Centre’s website.
For further information, contact Dr Clair Linzey at
Notes for editors:
- The Summer School is arranged by the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, which is an independent think tank dedicated to pioneering ethical perspectives on animals through research, teaching and publication. See
- A video of the previous Summer School on Humane Education can be viewed here.
- More information about Merton College, Oxford, can be found here.