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Dr Valéry Giroux, PhD
1st September 2015
is the coordinator of the Centre for Research on Ethics (CRE), located at University of Montreal in Quebec, Canada. Dr Giroux is a member of the Quebec Bar and holds a Masters in Law with a thesis on the crimes of animal cruelty in the Canadian Criminal Code. She also holds a doctorate in philosophy from the Université de Montréal with a dissertation on the necessity of granting legal fundamental individual rights to all sentient beings and is affiliated to the Faculty of Law at University of Montreal as Adjunct Professor. Dr Giroux has given several presentations on animal ethics and has taught on the subject. She is also regularly invited in the media to discuss the issues of speciesism, animal rights and veganism. Among her recent publications are “Animals do have an interest in liberty” (Journal of Animal Ethics, 2016) and “Les autres animaux en droit: de la reconnaissance de la sensibilité à l’octroi de la personnalité physique” (Revue du Notariat, 2018), as well as three books: Contre l’exploitation animale (L’Âge d’Homme, 2017), Le Véganisme (coll. “Que sais-je?”, Puf, 2017) and L’Antispécisme (coll. “Que sais-je?”, Puf, 2020).