Talking about Animals and God
1 June 2020

Photo used with permission of Red Church Door Podcast
Deputy Director, Dr Clair Linzey, has recently been appointed Professor of Animal Theology at the Graduate Theological Foundation, Oklahoma. With this new role she has had the privilege of talking about animal theology, what it is, and her journey with it.
She recently had the opportunity to talk to Colin Chapman from Red Church Door Podcast on their episode about “Pets, Animals and God’s Love”. Listen to the podcast here.
This follows a virtual presentation to Vegan Church in the Netherlands on Animal Theology 25 Years On. This keynote talk was the mark the release of Dier & Evangelie: Theologie voor dierenrechten (Animals and the Gospel: Theology for Animal Rights) the first work on animal theology published in Dutch. The work comprises selections from Oxford theologian Andrew Linzey’s works, it also includes commentaries and additional pieces by theologians and commentators Maaike Hartog, Sandra Hermanus-Schröder and Nienke van Ittersum, with an introduction by Hans Bouma. Clair’s keynote lecture is available to view here.
Dr Clair Linzey is Deputy Director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics and Professor of Animal Theology at the Graduate Theological Foundation in Oklahoma. Her doctorate is in theology from the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Dr Linzey is Director of the Annual Oxford Animal Ethics Summer School. She is also co-editor of the Journal of Animal Ethics, and co-editor of the Palgrave Macmillan Book Series on Animals Ethics.