Ethics of Eating Animals

Our Third Annual Oxford Animal Ethics Summer School considered the Ethics of Eating Animals. It was organised by the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics in partnership with the French animal society, One Voice.

Papers were invited in English and French from academics world-wide on any aspect relating to the ethics of eating animals, including philosophical and religious ethics, historical, legal, psychological, scientific, and sociological perspectives. Potential topics include the morality of killing, the suffering of animals in food production, the portrayal of animals as meat, meat eating and climate change, the environmental impact of industrial farming, the utilisation of meat substitutes, in vitro meat and strategies for change.

The announcement of speakers is available here. The programme is available here.

A short video about the Summer School is available on our homepage.

The Centre is very grateful for the support of One Voice, without which this project would not be possible. Further information about One Voice can be found at